Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The weight game!

It sooooooooooooooo easy for us girls to gain weight just like that,Then we decide we need to lose the weight .Cut out all the good food including choclate{which most of us love to death} and go on this diet,And the we excerize like crazy and lose it and we are finially to the weight we like so then we are off all the diets exserize etc.. and we gained all the weight back that we lost so we are back at square 1 again how discouraging.

I have been on this diet for about 2 months and I have lost 15 pounds it seems like this is the only diet that works for me .The calorie counting diet and I ride my bike for close to 45 mintues a day.

What us woman do to keep beautiful.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Jenny, I am so impressed! That is great. I can totally relate though..when we gain it back :( However...just a little bit of chocolate can keep cravings away, but unfortunately, it is hard to eat only a little.

Jon and Jenny Forever.
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