Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well school is actully going pretty good yesterday we had a few little problems but it going well .
of course you have kids who will try to test you which we have but, you just have to stay firm with them which is hard for me sometime but the class is doing well.I can't beleive how tired you get being in full time ministry the last week I have gone to bed like at 9pm that is so unnormal for me cause I use to go to bed at 11pm.I think the total count of the school as of right now is 47
which is a great number we are praying for 60 God can do anything.

1 comment:

Mishel said...

I am praying too Jenny, for those 60 kids. That would be wonderful. I am sure it's going to take time to get used to your new schedule. We will be coming to chapel on Thursdays, starting in few weeks (we start school Sept. 11). See you tomorrow!!!

Jon and Jenny Forever.
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